Brian Tsukerman's Game Development Quest


First World Problems - Developed the game mechanics and user interface for a 2D free-to-play mobile minigame collection. Made using Unity and GIMP.

Roy: A Life Well Lived - Created scenes, models, and gaze-based triggers for a virtual reality choose-your-own adventure inspired by the eponymous game from Rick & Morty's "Mortynight Run"! Made with Unity, GIMP, and Blender.

Birds of Byzantine - Programmed the bird spawning, collision detection between the arrows and their corresponding bird color, and UI elements for Global Game Jam 2018. Made using Unity and Photoshop.

K2O Hockey Mania - Coded the player animations and interactions for a hockey game used for a sportswear website. Made using Javascript.


Conglomerate - Tabletop card game about owning corporations, earning profit, and leveraging your influence to rule the free market! Currently in development!

Microversus - Tactical area-control board game inspired by the human microbiome. Fight to colonize organs and take over!


Brian Tsukerman is a game designer who enjoys developing the gameplay systems and mechanics that allow people to play in worlds of pure imagination.

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